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Literary Vault

Contents of the Vault

This area features some of my older sketches, short stories and (for a lack of a better definition) poetry. The common thread should be readability. I hope you find this to be so.


Scenes and Monologues several short scripts suitable for performance.

The Visited a holloween story, *

Show and Tell a harsh tale of revenge. *

Clipart Haiku an experiment in everyone's favorite poetic form.


* For the record, I do not believe in the supernatural,

Featured Writing

This is a little poem about a little incident in my little old apartment.


I think I threw away the butter

by Rev Jay Goldsteinn


I think I threw away the butter

    I really am not sure

        I look for it behind the oven

            And on the kitchen floor


                I searched the counters high and low

            For that little yellow block

        Under the oven next to the knives

    And the little shelf with the clock


I wonder where my butter is

    And what it’s thinking now

        Wishing it was in a butter dish

            Or still inside a cow.


                He may be gone or in a box

            or somewhere in a crater

        One place that I can not look

    Is in the refrigerator


[Rev. Jay's Home Page o' Fun]


©2000 Rev Jay Goldstein